After adding in your suppliers to Lightspeed, you can assign your products to preferred suppliers for faster purchasing with order sheets.
Link suppliers to easily send purchase orders through Purchase for seamless stock control.
This guide will cover how to set default suppliers for products or stock items.
What’s in this guide?
Assign products to suppliers
Pro Tip - Before you can assign products to suppliers, make sure to add your supplier contact details.
1. From the Suppliers section in the Products page of the Back Office, use the search bar to locate the products you need.
2. Use the drop-down menu to select a Default Supplier.
Pro Tip - Our hospo pros recommend that raw goods are best named along with their sizes or quantities just like in the image above. This is for ease of tracking and ordering the supplies
3. To assign multiple items to one supplier, tick the items and select Supplier under Bulk Options - before entering the Default Supplier
4. This will save automatically
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I assign more than one supplier for one item?
For each item, you can assign only one default or preferred supplier. You can always send the purchase order to another supplier if needed. You can also loop more than one email address when sending the purchase order.
Can I assign products in bulk through CSV?
For now, bulk assigning of suppliers through .CSV files is not possible. You can assign suppliers in bulk using Bulk Options.
Do I need to assign default suppliers to products that I need to order?
You need to add your suppliers to be able to create purchase orders - however, assigning default suppliers to products is optional. Assigning default suppliers means that when you create your purchase order, the list of assigned products appears right after you select your supplier - no need to use the search bar!
What's my next step?
You've added your supplier details and set the items you order from them. Now, you can create and send purchase orders to their emails in less than a minute!